5 innovative things happening in Plastic Industry that you’ve to know

5 innovative things happening in plastic industry

Do you know how much Plastic exist in 1950? You will be wondered because there is no plastic in the world in the year 1950. Just 69 years later,  in 2019, “over 368 million metric tons of plastic polymers were manufactured across the globe“.

The ultimate thing from the statistics is that the usage of plastics grew exponentially in a limited period. 

It is pretty hard to understand how Plastic is necessary for our everyday lives because we always seem to have used these materials. Let me walk you through the new things that happening industries are using that you have to know!

Biodegradable bioplastics for packing foods:

The first exciting thing happening in the plastic industry was producing bioplastics.

In the recent article, a group of scientist from Kaunas University of Technology (KUT) discovered a bioplastic which can decompose within two years.

As we increase the production, but only 9% is recycled remaining are slowly degrading in the landfills.

Research states that by the year 2050 in our ocean, there will be more plastic than fish. 

The Scientist in KUT designed a plastic with cellulose – a natural material, the main building block of plant cell membranes, and the big challenge in front of them was the quality of the material. 

The scientists were able to get the accurate composites required to transform the cellulose into fluid Plastic.

however, providing transparency and a nontoxic package safe for foodstuffs.

Breaking down Plastic with the help of Bacteria:

A bacterium called Ideonella sakaiensis can have the ability to break the PET(polyethylene terephthalate). Because PET is manufacture with ethylene glycol and dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), both incorporate with crude oil. 

But Ideonella sakaiensis can break down into small components. 

Recyclable Toothpaste Packages:

Generally, we all search for toothpaste in the morning at our home. It’s often happening. But do you know whether it is a recyclable or non-recyclable one? Of course, it is a nonrecyclable one.

But newly, Colgate declares it is possible to make fully recyclable toothpaste tubes, and the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) for recyclability accepts the innovation of Colgate.

Recyclable plastics for beauty products:

Some cosmetic manufacturing industries have begun to develop recyclable Plastic for cream and lotion outer packages that have been recycled after using the product. Many Cosmetic manufacturing companies in our country start for the new change in production with the help of plastic industry.   

Plastic Roads:

Do you think roads are possible using Plastic? Yes, it is possible. It is one of the wondering things that is happening in many countries. Still the process is developing to produce more innovation. 

VolkerWessels created 30 meters of cycle path with more durable, one of the innovative things happening in the world’s industries

Looking ahead, we do not appear to be approaching the end of the ‘plastic age’ related, and there is much that plastics can contribute to our society.

The growth of technological change is increasing exponentially such that life in 2030 will be unrecognizable compared with life today; plastics and their Injection molding machine components will play a significant role in this change in processing the plastics. 

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