Hopper Dryer Accessories
Yantong designed hopper dryer accessories for injection molding machines which are mainly used for drying plastic materials.
The hopper dryer will decrease the injection time and improve the quality of the complete product and it is used to reduce the moisture content of plastic materials. This hopper dryer includes many related accessories that help to dry the material.
The accessories are:
• Material Storage tank
• Dust collector
• Magnetic Separator
• Sunction Box
All accessories in the hopper dryer are responsible for some kind of functions which are as follows:
• MATERIAL STORAGE TANK: The customized tank is available for all sizes of S/S hopper which keeps all the plastic material.
• DUST COLLECTOR: Supplementary dust collector is placed in the hopper dryer to plastic particles splashing and give a clean work environment.
• MAGNETIC SEPARATOR: It is placed at the bottom of the cone part and it can effectively separate iron scraps.
• SUNCTION BOX: For a hopper dryer, it is suitable for material suction and discharge. Easy for material suction and discharge.
As a hopper dryer is one of the main IMM components in the plastic injection machine different parts together form the whole standard hopper dryer for the usage of a plastic injection molding machine.
Use of Hopper dryer Accessories:
Material Storage Tank:
It is specially used for the storage purpose
Dust Collector:
A dust collector is used to separate the unwanted dust particle for the loaded material. After separation, it transfers the plastic material for the injection part.
Magnetic Separator:
A magnetic separator or hopper Magnet for Injection Molding Machine is placed in the hopper dryer which collects the unwanted iron particles and sends only the plastic particles for the injection process.
Suction Box:
It removes the watery filament present in the granules and then the material sent without any moisture content.